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原始、原由、原動力、原則、原創成就了現在的 原設計 

原設計 , 是多元化的設計工作室 , 致力於提供專屬的設計與優良的服務 . 我們相信 , 與客戶之間良好的溝通  , 是促使一件案子完成與否最重要的關鍵  , 當然我們專業的經驗與全心的投入 , 也是我們完成許多成功案子最基本的因素 . 




is a multidisciplinary firm with an established commitment to design excellence and client service. It is our belief that the workingrelationship between designer and client is what ultimately determines the success of any projects. Professional experience and personal involvement with the client's needs and budget make for successful projects.


The firm offers a complete range of architectural services, from conceptual design to on-site supervision and Project management. Working with speciality consultants , we also offer services such as graphic design and all fields of engineering & landscape design. Our interior design services can also include furnishings consultation and procurement. We are committed to making projects that are more energy efficient,healthier places and Produce a less disruptive impact on the environment. 

© 2012 YUAN Inc.  原設計 空間制作 

    T: 02-2708-0698  F: 02-2708-5178    


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